Our Process

At Graystone Wealth Solutions, we know that hope is not a strategy—you cannot simply want to end up somewhere and then expect to arrive at your destination. That is why we follow a meticulous process that considers your needs, goals, and risk tolerance. From there, we work with you to discover exactly what you want to achieve, then provide clarity about how to get there.

While you want a flawless journey, we know it is best to prepare for any unexpected bumps in the road. That is why we help you consider potential risks on your financial journey. We will show you how to prepare for changes in the market, recessions, increased living expenses, unexpected health costs, and other life events that could present detours on your path. Through intentional implementation and monitoring, our team will make sure you have everything you need—not only before you depart on your journey, but as you travel throughout your life. We provide innovative, cutting-edge products and services that help you grow, protect, and conserve your wealth through all stages of your financial strategy.

After all, this is an adventure you only get to experience once, so, it is our mission to assist you to make the most of it. As your partner, we can provide financial options to chart a path forward. You have come to the right place. Let us get started to achieve your objectives.

6 Step Process Graphic

Step 1: Review

Every family's financial situation is unique. It is important to find out as much as we can about you and your financial goals. The more we know about you, the more precise recommendations we can make and the more we can assist you. As a result, in our first visit we will take some time to discuss your hopes, dreams, and objectives, and the things that really matter to you.

Step 2: Analyze

We will work with you to identify and prioritize your objectives, and then help establish benchmark goals. This is important because we live in a world of unlimited choices. People often do not achieve their objectives because they fail to prioritize their goals.

Step 3: Develop

Based on our conversation and analysis, we can recommend the steps that it will take to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 4: Coordinate

We regularly coordinate insurance and financial activities for clients with the other members of their team of financial, tax, and legal advisors. We can do the same for you.

Step 5: Implement

With your approval, we will work with you and your advisors to assure the success of your plan. We will review progress and provide continuing service as your needs and situation change over time.

Step 6: Monitor

To provide flexibility, your financial plan will periodically need to be reviewed. We will work with you over the years to help keep your strategy on track with your changing needs.